Monday, February 28, 2011


If only I was as cool as Miss James of Bleubird design.
Her kids are cool too.

She's definitely a "cool at heart".
I'm kind of more like a "nerd at heart" 
I'll always kind of nerdy.

She does these "what I wore" posts.
And it's lots of cool pictures of cool clothes 
that I wish I had.

From THIS post.

From THIS post
And sometimes she does some for the whole family, 
"what we wore"

from THIS post
from THIS post
Yeah, definitely cool.


I'm ready for spring.
And Martha Stewart knows how to make it more exciting.

The center is a cake with blackberries
and the petals are cupcakes.

Recipe at Martha Stewart

picture via dress design decor


I'm obsessed.

The dress, the shoes, the face, the hair. 
All age appropriate and still covet worthy for a 26 year old.

Friday, February 25, 2011


My favorite Letterpress Invitations are at Bella Figura.
I could browse the site forever.

I could keep going. 
I'm totally obsessed.

And looking at these, I realize I really like cursive and romantic looking invites. 
They aren't all like that.

all images from Bella Figura.


Cup of Jo gave a list of six things for a good weekend today.
I like the sixth: "Dance to ABBA. You know you love them! Don't deny it."

Watch the video. It's absolutely hilarious.

Also makes me want to watch the sing-a-long version to Mamma Mia.
Or dance in the kitchen while making cookies or doing the dishes.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


When we got our dog and tried to think of names,
my cousin Kate suggested Crumpet.
I didn't really know what a crumpet was, 
except that they ate them with tea in England.

But now I REALLY want a crumpet.
Don't these look divine?

image via Nook Eatery Blog--and if I go to South Africa, I wouldn't mind popping in.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The colors in these pictures are so appealing.
Maybe because they make me think of summer.
And I'm so ready for summer.
But maybe it's because this house is just so gorgeous.

All I know is, I like it.


I want to go to France
and learn French!
Watch the video. 
You'll want to go to learn French too.


Winter getaway?
Luxury honeymoon?
Yes please.

Send me to Maldives PLEASE!
I want to go to this hotel!


Could have been love story.

Shows how we gchat and don't say the things we'd really like to say.
Watch the video.
It's pretty cute.
And a little sad.

Thanks Erin!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This lady takes a picture of her pregnancy 
with the fruit that represents the baby size.

I mostly just really really like her dress.


A busy week at work and I've completely slacked.

Another reason to get an iPhone.
I like this case.

There's something about Composition Notebooks that I really like.

via Svpply can be purchased at Reed Space Online

Saturday, February 12, 2011


If only I had cascades and cascades of hair.
I could do something like this:

Friday, February 11, 2011


Oh my goodness.
This might be the cutest valentine ever.

And you know what helps? 
There is a template and tutorial for you to do it at home! 


I want a coffee table like this.

The shape, the textures, the color, just so pleasing to me.

And I like the couches too.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I like the way this wedding looks.
Like really like it.
Maybe its because they're European.
Maybe its the beautiful photography.
The scenery?
The funny tidbit about the goats?

From the wedding blog: In Luxembourg, when the bride or groom has older siblings who aren’t married yet, the sibling receives a goat at the end of the ceremony as a place-holder for a wife or a husband. This old tradition says that they have to carry the goat all day long. 

Glad I'm not from Luxembourg!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I think this would make a cute present.

image from and sold at Sillouette Blue's Etsy shop


What an adorable necklace.
I think I like it best because it has Polish on it.
Ja cie kocham.


A cake I'd like to attempt one day.

14 layers of deliciousness.

image from Bakerella


Treats I'd like to make for Valentine's Day:

from Just Cook Already
from Bakerella

Monday, February 7, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011


Apparently tomorrow is World Nutella Day!
So I'm flirting with the idea of making these:


image and recipe at Two Peas and Their Pod


Red Velvet Cheesecake?

This looks delicious. 
And perfect for V-Day!

image and recipe from Taste and Tell

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I bet these hearts could easily be recreated.
Trip to the fabric store for sequins?

Image from where you can buy the heart for $10. via Cup of Jo


Another bride with pretty hair.
It just looks so effortless.


I like globes.
I once went on a tour of the Globe Museum in Vienna.
And these globes are really cool too:

ImagineNations via Design Crush (Check out the other ones too!)


This is the funniest tea towel.

Each picture says funny things about the "dishes"
Jake: so manly he's happy to play a gay dude!
Owen: aka the butterscotch stallion!
Johnny: his cheekbones are so high you can see them from space!
George: george 'i don't get older i just get better' clooney
Brad: cuter than a tiny duckling kissing a fluffy kitty wearing a pink bow

Oh, and you know whats better? 
Saying the sayings in an accent 
because I'm sure the girl making them says then in an accent.
They ship from New Zealand.

I just think it's hilarious.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Pretty dress.
Pretty hair.
And I'm not just talking about the bride.

Check out the rest of the wedding HERE.
Best part? They're Mormon. I like that they're so unconventional.

Wedding found via Snippet & Ink


I want a donut.
Well, I want a donut pan.
So I can make donuts like these:

Red Velvet Donuts from Taste and Tell
Maple Sugar Donuts from Handle the Heat
Apple Cider Donuts from Smitten Kitchen