Friday, June 17, 2011


If I ever feel the need to be ambitious with a cake again.
I will try this.
Layers of angel food cake, devils food cake, and peanut butter fudge.

That looks amazing.


How could this cake not be the most DELICIOUS
thing in the world?*

brown sugar buttercream?


*if you're crazy and don't like bananas (cough cough KK)


I want these.

Chocolate, Caramel Shortbread.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011


lime + coconut + sour cream = heavenly
And put in bundt cake form?

I need this:

Lime, Coconut, Sour Cream Bundt Cake
from My Baking Addiction via Pintrest

Monday, June 13, 2011


I've never tried Summer Pudding,
but last year Dairy Godmother had a
Summer Pudding custard 
and it has been my favorite flavor I've tried*.

But then that got me thinking, 
I think I want to try making the real 
Summer Pudding sometime.

It looks sort of gross...


 But everything I've read people rave about how good it is.
At least how good the berries are.
And how could it be bad really?
Not sure...
Especially when it's served with whipped cream.

*They have it coming out again next week.
I'm totally excited. 
I'll probably have to get a pint or something for later.


I feel like I've posted a bunch of videos lately.
Here's another.

This guy asked people in New York City 
what they were listening to.

I love the guys listening to Britney and Gaga. 
Or maybe the very first guy.



This is the coolest thing!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Inspirational messages from kids.


I got to work this morning
with a link to this video in my inbox.

I love it.

And I might want to try that cake sometime.

from Tiger In A Jar
Recipe there too.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Miss Lisa is out of the country again.
Not that that is totally relevant to this blog anymore,
but I thought I'd tell you.

She'd like this picture:

Probably because she's obsessed with Alexa Chung.

Friday, June 3, 2011


I'm totally liking these posters:

I'd love to have all four.


I love Snickerdoodles
and this blog post made me want some.

Snickerdoodles?” God, just the way she pronounced the word: chilling. “I just can’t let you do that. Too emasculating.”
I’m not going to get too deep into the subtext here, or any latent impressions Jenny may or may not have about men who bake — let alone bake snickerdoodles – but let’s just say it felt a little like the person I love very much and with whom I have had two children, was calling my sh#t out. Like, seriously? A guy wants to do something fun with the kids on a sleepy Saturday morning, and he gets hazed by his wife? The thing is, there’s a lot you do as a parent — or, okay, as a father of two daughters — that carries an unmistakable whiff of the surrender-monkey to it. Printing out and memorizing the lyrics to Lady Gaga’s new single: that would definitely be one of those things. Enduring Ryan Seacrest in silence: yup. Nursing a lifelong grudge against musical theater and yet pretending, without complaint, to be Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music when it is called for*. Getting a (small, cute) dog and naming it Iris. Applying toenail polish (no smudges!) in rainbow colors on one tiny foot, and then doing the other tiny foot in the opposite color progression. Over the past several years, I’ve done all those things and so, so much worse and — apologies in advance to all the bros out there who may be reading this — the truth is, I never really gave any of it a second thought. Don’t you kind of check your manly bona fides at the door when you have kids? I mean, isn’t that part of the point?

Given all this, was making a batch of cookies so bad?
“Yeah, I don’t know,” she said. “I don’t think I can be married to a guy who makes snickerdoodles.”
She is now married to a guy who makes snickerdoodles.

I love what he says
about being the dad of two daughters.
I wonder if my dad felt that way
with five daughters running around...


I've decided I need to get popsicle molds.
Then I can make these:

Limber de Coco (Coconut Cream)

Don't they look so fun?

all pictures from the respective recipe sites