Thursday, September 16, 2010


Dear Lisa,
Can we take a really awesome trip next summer? Maybe hitting Italy? 
THIS blog made me wish I was in Italy. 
And even though I've already been there, I want to go again.
Maybe it's because I just read A Room With A View
Or maybe it's because my cousin is there on Study Abroad.
Either way, I think we should go. 
And maybe hit up Greece, Slovenia, Croatia, and oooh! maybe even Turkey too! 
You know, a nice Med Sea Cruise or something.






Sound good to you too?


1 comment:

Lisa said...

I know for a fact I'll be going to Italy sometime... why because Michelle leaves for there end of Dec January. She just told me she'll probably be spending New Years Eve in Rome... I asked if I could join... doesn't that sound nice? Either Way April or May I'm planning it... I LOVE the idea of visiting Greece,Croatia, Turkey, all those places you suggested... Awesome! We should start planning it now, I'm not kidding May will be here before we know it. I can't believe that... May marks my 2 year mark at USAID