Thursday, September 16, 2010


Dear Lisa,
I am loving this new blog I found. 
It's called Katie Armour: The Neo Traditionalist.
And I wish I could be as cool as her.

And I think you'd like her too. Especially her design ideas.


1 comment:

Lisa said...

LOVE IT! Is she brittish? I feel like she should be. I mentioned in one of my comments that never made it as a comment that I think you should make me an author? is it of the blog so I can post things as well... I feel that's only fair. Then I can put up pictures and such.
Today I think I have a little case of Delhi Bellie. I ate the most fantastic hummus and falafel last night but I wasn't feeling so hot before I ate that so anyway this morning my stomach's been in knots. Ugh. Glad it's Friday!