Wednesday, March 28, 2012


cute little jello eggs!
wouldn't this be fun?
i don't have the patience unfortunately


my little sister rachel looooove saag.
i had never heard of it until she was raving about it one day.
and you know what? 
it is delicious.

(post diet)
i'm going to make my own saag
and it's going to be a glorious day.

psst! saag is basically cooked and creamed spinach with lots of yummy indian spices.

recipe for the saag i'm going to make found on:
101 cookbooks (pic from there too)


they had me at nutella.


this is awesome partly because i LOVE biscoff spread

and have three recipes in my "recipes to make" pile that are biscoff inspired.


don't know what biscoff is? 
it's the consistency of peanut butter
but tastes like those delicious cookies they give out on Delta flights.
they're all spice-y and delicious.

image via Confessions of a Cookbook Queen


i'm obsessed with homemade soups.
this one looks awesome.
with cute little tomato croutons.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


this is such a cool idea.

rubber stamped invitations:

and then you'll always have a cool stamp to use in the future!

(though probably not practical for how many invitation/announcements Mormons tend to send out)


there's something about cookies and cream,
it's always good to me.

my dad loves cookies and cream ice cream
if we ever go to a new ice cream shop 
(whether we're on vacation or in town)
he will get cookies and cream.

and i'm going to make these cookies someday.

(oreos, chocolate chips AND cookies and cream kisses. yuuum!)

picture and recipe at Picky Palate, where everything looks sinfully delicious.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


i'm going to have to make this frosting 
because the name of it is just so dreamy:

how is that not the best?

and it just looks so light and fluffy and nutella mmmmm.

picture and recipe from Sweetapolita

Friday, March 2, 2012


i just bought the cutest cookie cutters ever:

i can't wait till lent is over and i can make some cookies!!!

images from Wantist, purchased at Paper-Source