Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Dear Lisa,

If you were in town this weekend we would go shopping.
Because EVERYTHING is on sale at Anthropologie.
I need to keep myself from online shopping.
Well, actually online purchasing.
Currently in my Anthro shopping bag:


And that's not all I wanted to put in there. 
I just decided I should stop before I drool on my keyboard.

Korf told me I should be a personal shopper.
That sounds fun, but being a shopper for myself sounds even better.
That would go on my "what-I-would-do-as-a-trophy-wife-list".


PS. But really, I wish you were here to shop with. 
I'll see who I can convince to go with me. 
I have two dresses to return to Anthro, so it will basically be like store credit.
And if you were wondering what I want the most from those pictures,
I can't decide. 
But it might be the second dress.
It's wool. 
And looks cozy for fall/winter.

Images from

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