Friday, January 21, 2011


I love my Jane Austen.

Masterpiece theater has a fun site
where you can read the bios of all the men.

My favorite is Captain Frederick Wentworth.
Mr. Darcy is definitely a close second.

And just imagine Mrs. Bennett talking about Darcy's income now:
"SIX MILLION a year!"

image is a screen shot from Masterpiece Theater


Unknown said...

Would you be appalled if I told you I never read a Jane Austen novel? Because it's true. But I am already aware of this terrible mistake, and Pride and Prejudice is next on my reading list.

Lauren Kay said...

No, not appalled. I like the movies anyway :)

Lisa said...

Jessie I've never read them either... but Lauren now has me converted to the movies... slightly obsessed!